
Li, Y., Yu, C. S.-P., McBeath, M.K., & Benitez, V.L. (under review). U.S. English-speaking children and adults exhibit a “Gleam-Glum” sound-symbolic effect linking phonemic vowel sounds with emotional valence.

Clifford, B., Castellana, M., Wilson, M., Benitez, V.L., Perez, M., & Luecken, L. (under review). Longitudinal patterns and predictors of English and Spanish language knowledge in Mexican-American children from 3 to 9 years of age.

Castellana, M. & Benitez, V.L. (under review). Cascading effects of early maternal cultural orientation on Spanish-English child-directed speech and vocabulary knowledge in Mexican-American children.

Li, Y. & Benitez, V.L. (under review). Concurrences across time and sensorimotor capacities promote infant learning.

Li, Y. & Benitez, V.L. (in press). Probing the role of multilingualism and working memory in cross-situational word learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. (Preprint) (Data & materials)

Potter, C.E., Castellana, M., Guerra, M.D., & Benitez, V.L. (2024). The balance of Spanish and English child-directed text in bilingual picture books. The Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. Advanced online publication.
(Preprint) (Data & materials)

Li, Y. & Benitez, V.L. (2023). Lexical tone as a cue in statistical word learning of bilingual input. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–15.
(Open access article) (Preprint) (Data & materials)

Benitez, V.L. & Li, Y.  (2023). Cross-situational word learning in children and adults: The case of lexical overlap. Language Learning and Development. Advanced online publication. (Preprint) (Data & materials)

Benitez, V.L. & Robison, M.K. (2022). Pupillometry as a window into young children’s sustained attention. Journal of Intelligence, 10(4), (Paper)(data)

Wojcik, E.H., Zettersten, M., Benitez, V.L. (2022). The map trap: Why and how word learning research should move beyond mapping. WIREs Cognitive Science, 13(4), e1596.

Prather, R., Benitez, V.L., Kendall Brooks, L., Dancy, C.L., Dilworth-Bart, J., Dutra, N.B., Faison, M.O., Figueroa, M., Holden, L.T.R., Johnson, C., Medrano, J., Miller-Cotto, D., Matthews, P.G., Manly, J.J., & Thomas, A.K. (2022). What can cognitive science do for people? Cognitive Science, 46(6), e13167

Clifford, B.N., Tockdale, L.A., Coyne, S.M., Rainey, V., & Benitez, V.L. (2022). Speaking of state of mind: Maternal mental health predicts children’s home language environment and expressive language. Journal of Child Language, 49(3), 469-485.

Benitez, V.L., Castellana, M., & Potter, C. (2022). How many palabras? Codeswitching and lexical diversity in children’s Spanish-English picture books. Languages, 7(1), 69. (Paper) (data)

Winstone, L.K., Benitez, V.L., Van Huisstede, L. (2021). Patterns of maternal interactive behaviors and dual vocabulary development in low-income Mexican-American children. Developmental Psychology, 57(11), 1866-1879.

Benitez, V.L., & Saffran, J.R. (2021). Two for the price of one: Concurrent learning of words and phonotactic regularities from continuous speech. PLOS ONE, 16(6), e0253039. (Paper) (data)

McBeath, M. K., Christine, S. P., Barnes, H. , & Benitez, V.L. (2021). Visual-emotional association with vowel phonemes: Support of the gleam-glum effect when paired with visual imagery. Journal of Vision21(9), 2126-2126.

Benitez, V.L., Zettersten, M., & Wojcik, E. (2020). The temporal structure of naming events differentially affects children’s and adults’ cross-situational word learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 200, 104961. (Preprint, data, and stimuli)

Benitez, V.L.*, Bulgarelli, F.*, Byers-Heinlein, K., Saffran, J.R., & Weiss, D. (2020). Statistical learning of multiple speech streams: A challenge for monolingual infants. Developmental Science, 20(3), e12896. *Equal authorship contribution (Preprint) (Data and stimuli)

Vargas, E.D., & Benitez, V.L. (2019). Latino parents’ links to deportees are associated with developmental disorders in their children. Journal of Community Psychology, 47, 1151-1168.

Benitez, V.L., & Saffran, J.R. (2018). Predictable events enhance word learning in toddlers. Current Biology, 28, 1-7(link) (Data and stimuli videos)

Zettersten, M., Wojcik, E., Benitez, V.L., & Saffran, J.R. (2018). The company objects keep: Linking referents together during cross-situational word learning. Journal of Memory and Language, 99, 62-73(link) (Data and materials)

Bulgarelli, F., Benitez, V.L., Saffran, J.R., Byers-Heinlein, K., Weiss, D.J. (2017). Statistical learning of multiple structures by 8-month-old infants. Proceedings of the 41st annual BUCLD, ed. Maria LaMendola and Jennifer Scott, 128-139. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Benitez, V.L.*, Vales, C.*, Hanania, R., & Smith, L.B. (2017). Sustained selective attention predicts flexible switching in preschoolers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 156, 29-42. *Equal authorship contribution (PDF) (link)

Benitez, V.L., Yurovsky, D., & Smith, L.B. (2016). Competition between multiple words for a referent in cross-situational word learning. Journal of Memory and Language, 90, 31-48, doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2016.03.004 (PDF) (link)

Morse, A F., Benitez, V.L., Belpaeme, T., Cangelosi, A., & Smith, L.B. (2015). Posture affects how robots and infants map words to objects. PLOS ONE, 10(3): e0116012, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116012 (link)

Benitez, V.L., & Smith, L.B. (2012) Predictable locations aid early object name learning. Cognition, 125(3), 339-352, doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2012.08.006. (link

Yoshida, H., Tran, D.N., Benitez, V., & Kuwabara, M. (2011). Inhibition and adjective learning in bilingual and monolingual children. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2, 1-14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00210 (link)

Yoshida, H., Tran, D., Benitez, V.L., & Kuwabara, M. (2010). Attentional Control and Early Word Learning. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 32(32).